Work with caution when you are in close proximity to potentially dangerous electrical installations
Participants receive valuable information about the potential dangers of electricity. They gain knowledge about the crucial regulations that are applicable to electrical installations. The session digs deeper into the various components that contribute to electrical safety.
Employees who work in the vicinity of electrical (home) installations, operators who work with electrical machines, maintenance personnel who work on an installation under supervision.
Legislation, grid systems, AREI, pipelines
- BASIC ELECTRICAL PRINCIPLES Ohm's law, electrical power, energy, consumers
The resistor, the coil, the capacitor
- BASIC ELEMENTS IN THE ELECTRIC VOLTAGE AREA The resistor, the coil, the capacitor - ELECTRICITY DANGERS Electrocution, electrification
- SAFE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Electrical components, working safely with electricity, external influences, inspections
▪ Teaching method: PowerPoint presentation given by an experienced teacher - handout of the presentation - Testing knowledge about the dangers of electricity
▪ Exam & certificate of participation; After taking a theoretical exam, students receive a certificate of participation stating whether the student has passed the exam or not.
✓ BA4 course lasts 7 hours.
✓ The content of this training is in accordance with the AREI
✓ Group size: max 12 people
✓ The certificates are valid as long as the employee remains informed of the electrical regulations and the employer issues a certificate.
✓ This training is provided as an open training course or internally.
✓ ASERVI bv is recognized as a training provider by the Flemish Government. The intervention is intended for all SMEs in Flanders.
Be extremely careful when working on or around electrical installations
Employees who work on or with electrical installations must have the BA5 (competent) certificate. Engineers and technicians, for example. They may be able to assess potential risk themselves and determine measures that reduce these risks. They can also assist people of BA4 level during potentially dangerous work.
All employees who have to perform a task on or near electrical installations.
This includes operation or maintenance work on electrical installations, but also all work carried out in electrical service premises and/or work that involves an electrical risk.
Previous knowledge: electrical training or minimum BA4.
In order to participate in this course, you need at least an electrical training (minimum BA4 level)
• Purpose of the legislation, Area, cables and cross-sections
• Towards electrical safety: CPR, European legislation, external influences
• Temporary electrical facilities: Site cabinets and generators
• Explosion safety: Types of explosions, ATEX - High voltage: What is high voltage, dangers and working on high voltage, vital 8
▪ Teaching method:
PowerPoint presentation given by an experienced teacher - handout of the presentation - Testing knowledge about electricity
▪ Exam & certificate of participation;
After taking a theoretical exam, students receive a certificate of participation stating whether the student has passed the exam or not.
• BA5 course lasts 7 hours.
• The content of this training is in accordance with the AREI
• Group size: max 12 people
• The certificates are valid as long as the employee remains informed of the electrical regulations and the employer issues a certificate.
• This training is provided as an open training course or internally in the company.
• ASERVI bv is recognized as a training provider by the Flemish Government. The intervention is intended for all SMEs in Flanders.